Depending on the severity of the bite, the symptoms are likely to disappear within a few days. The sting, saliva or toxins present in an insect bite can trigger an immune reaction causing itchy red spots on your skin along with inflammation. Some common types of allergic conditions that cause red spots on the skin are: Certain foods and drugs may also cause allergic reactions. The body perceives the skin irritant as a threat, thus launching an immune attack causing inflammation and itchy red spots on the skin. People with sensitive skin or an overactive immune system may experience an allergic reaction when their skin comes in contact with an allergen (detergents, dyes, cosmetics, pollen). Your skin’s defence mechanism is designed to protect your body from harmful elements. What Are The Causes of Red Spots On Skin? 1. However, if you suddenly develop a non-itchy red spot on the skin, it is better to get it checked by a dermatologist. Pinpoint red dots on the skin caused by a condition called petechiae are also non-itchy in nature.

They can be birthmarks, acne or even a red mole also known as cherry angiomas. Non-itchy red spots on the skin are often harmless. If you notice an increase in the number or size of these red spots or experience symptoms like severe skin irritation, fever, breathlessness, inflammation, it is advisable to seek immediate medical help. Skin rashes can also cause itchy red spots on the skin. Itchy Red Spots On SkinĪllergic reactions or infections that cause red spots on the body, often tend to be pruritic or itchy in nature. In order to treat red spots on your body, it is vital to diagnose their real cause. Their appearance can cause irritation, itching and inflammation on your skin. Red spots on the skin may indicate a variety of skin conditions or can be symptoms of an internal disease.

‘Rakta Mandalas’ or red spots on the skin are likely to appear if there is an imbalance in your Doshas (bodily humours) along with a vitiation of the Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue).